How to change "admin" HFSQLDrive password ?
To change "admin" password :
1. Open your HFSQLDrive dashboard.
2. Click "Change administrator password".
3. Enter the new password and click "Confirm".

The new password is activated immediately. There is no need to restart the service.
Is there a limit on the number of databases or SQL tables (files) stored?
As its name suggests, an HFSQLDrive database is "limited" to one database per subscription. However, you can subscribe to more than one HFSQLDrive database.

The number of SQL tables (files) is limited only by the storage space selected.
How to retrieve a backup of the database in HFSQLDrive?
If you have selected the "Backup" option in your subscription, you have access to the backups made every night as well as backups made on the three previous Sundays.

To retrieve a backup:
1. Open your HFSQLDrive dashboard.
2. Click "Retrieve a backup".
3. Click "Download" for the backup you want to retrieve. A ZIP file with the data files of your database backup will be automatically downloaded to your local computer.

Important: we highly recommend that you regularly download backups and integrate them into your recovery plan.
How to restore a previous backup of an HFSQLDrive database?
1. Retrieve a backup of the HFSQLDrive database (archive in ZIP format).
2. Unzip the backup archive on your local computer.
3. Start the HFSQL Control Center on your computer.
4. Connect to the HFSQLDrive database.
5. Select "Import an HFSQL Classic database". In the wizard that appears, select the directory with the data files.
What features are not accessible through HFSQLDrive?
The following features are not available through HFSQLDrive:
1. SQL queries cannot use WLanguage commands.
2. Server replication is not available.
3. Scheduled tasks are not supported.
4. Backups can only be made through the option offered by HFSQLDrive.

Note: A dedicated operating platform, available on pcscloud.net (www.pcscloud.net), makes it possible to overcome these limitations.
SCM Drive
How to create a team "just for me"?
1. Create a 1-developer team: you will be the only developer of the team.
2. Choose the necessary SCM volume (reminder: a 50GB storage is included).
3. Specify the payment frequency: monthly or yearly.

Reminder: at the end of subscription, the subscription is automatically renewed by an equivalent period. Your account is automatically debitted. You can unsubscribe via a simple click (check the license).
How to create a team for several developers?
1. Create a team by specifying the requested number of developers. Note: count yourself as 1 developer.
2. Choose the necessary SCM storage volume (reminder: a 50GB storage is included).
3. Specify the payment frequency: monthly or yearly.
4. You can invite the developers to join your team. See "How to invite a developer in an existing team?" for more details.

Reminder: at the end of subscription, the subscription is automatically renewed by an equivalent period. Your account is automatically debitted. You can unsubscribe via a simple click (check the license).
How to invite a developer to join an existing team?
Example: A 5-developer team was created. You can now invite developers to join this team.

Note: This operation can be performed at any time as long as some developers have not been invited to join your team.

1. Make sure that your team is not full (information available in the "Parameters" area, "Developer" in the dashboard of SCM Drive). Increase (if necessary) the maximal number of developers in your team by modifying your subscription. See "How to increase the number of developer in my team?" for more details.
2. Click the "Invite developers" link.
3. Type the email address of the developer to invite. You also have the ability to type a specific message.
4. Click "Send the invitation".
5. The invited developer receives an email containing a link allowing him to connect to SCM Drive.
- If he already owns a PCS Cloud account associated with the specified email, he will be able to use this account.
- Otherwise, he will have to create an SCM Cloud account to join the team. This account will have to be associated with the email address used to send the invitation.
Note: The invited developer is not charged for anything.
I received an invitation to join an SCM Drive team. How to join the team?
The email that was sent to you allows you to perform the necessary operations.

Case 1: You have no PCSCloud account, you must create a new account:
1. Click the link found in the email.
2. The window for creating a new account is displayed. The email address is filled with the email address of the invitation.
3. Type your password and confirmed password then click the "Create my account" button.
4. Specify the information associated with the account: Name, Company, Address, ...
5. After validation, an emailf for confirming and activating the account is sent to the email address of account.
6. Activate your account via the incoming email.
7. Connect to your account.
8. You will find your invitation in the portal of SCM Drive.
9. To accept the invitation, click the green button (or click the red cross to refuse). An email is automatically sent to the team creator.
10. The team and the participants appear in the dashboard of SCM Drive.
Note: You take part in a team of SCM Drive as guest developer: you are not charged for anything. Only the team creator pays the subscription fees to SCM Drive.

Case 2: You own a PCSCloud account, you can use this account to identify yourself.
1. Click the link found in the email.
2. The window for connection to the account is displayed (with the email address of invitation).
3. Connect to your account.
4. You will find your invitation in the portal of SCM Drive.
5. To accept the invitation, click the green button (or click the red cross to refuse). An email is automatically sent to the team creator.
6. The team and the participants appear in the dashboard of SCM Drive.
Note: You take part in a team of SCM Drive as guest developer: you are not charged for anything. Only the team creator pays the subscription fees to SCM Drive.
How to increase the number of developers in my team?
Example: Your team includes 5 developers.
You want to add 2 developers to your team.

1. In the dashboard of SCM Drive, display the characteristics of your team.
2. In the "Parameters" area, click the "Pen" icon found beside the "Developer" option.
3. In the window that is displayed, modify the number of developers.
4. The price is automatically updated according to the modification performed.
5. Validate.
6. The payment page indicates the amount to be paid immediately (according to your payment options).
7. Pay the subscription via bank card.
8. Invite the new members of your team. See "How to invite a developer in an existing team?" for more details.
How to many WINDEV, WEBDEV or WINDEV Mobile projects is it possible to include in my SCM Drive database?
The number of WINDEV, WEBDEV or WINDEV Mobile projects found in an SCM Drive database is not limited. Only the size of SCM Drive database is limited (reminder: a 50GB storage is included).
I am using a proxy to access Internet. Do I need to use a specific configuration for SCM Drive?
To use SCM Drive, you must define the characteristics of the proxy used in WINDEV, WEBDEV or WINDEV Mobile:
1. Start WINDEV, WEBDEV or WINDEV Mobile.
2. On the 'Home' pane, in the 'Environment' group, expand 'Options' and select 'General options" of the product used.
3. In the window that is displayed, select the "Proxy" tab.
4. Check "Use a proxy" and specify its characteristics: address, port as well as user and associated password if necessary. The "Test" button is used to check the connection.
5. The SCM Drive can be used from your environment (add projects, open a project, ...).
I am using a firewall. Do I need to open specific ports to use SCM Drive?
Port 4900 must be opened to use SCM Drive.
Is it possible to connect to an SCM Drive database from several computers by using the same identifiers?
Yes. To connect to an SCM Drive database from several computers by using the same identifiers, all you have to do is close the software used (WINDEV, WEBDEV or WINDEV Mobile) on the first computer before opening the SCM Drive database from another computer.
I am using a local SCM database or HFSQL Client/Server. How to import it into SCM Drive?
1. Start the requested product: WINDEV, WEBDEV or WINDEV Mobile.
2. Start the SCM administrator: on the "SCM" pane, in the "SCM database" group, expand "Manage" and select "Administrator of Source Code Manager".
3. Connect to the SCM Drive database if necessary.
4. On the "Home" pane, in the "SCM database" group, click the "Import a database" button .
5. In the wizard that is displayed, specify the characteristics of database to import (local database, HFSQL Client/Server database, PCSCloud database).
Note: The SCM database to import must be accessible from the computer where the SCM administrator is run.
6. Go to the next wizard step.
7. Specify the import mode of SCM database: importing the entire database or part of the database. When importing part of the database, the wizard asks you to select the elements to import.
8. Go to the next wizard step.
9. The wizard proposes to save the source and target databases before performing the import.
10. Go to the next step: the import starts.
Caution: This operation can be quite long according to the size of SCM database to import.
11. Once the import is completed, your projects can be accessed from the SCM Drive database.
How to find out the current size of SCM Drive database?
To find out the current size of SCM Drive database:
1. Open a project found in SCM Drive from WINDEV, WEBDEV or WINDEV Mobile.
2. In the project dashboard, the "SCM" widget displays:
* the check-out mode ("Automatic" for example).
* the current total size of SCM Drive.

Note: Whenever a new project is added into the SCM Drive database, the wizard for project addition indicates the current size of SCM database and the size of added project.
How to modify the storage size associated with my SCM Drive team?
Example: The SCM storage size specified when creating the team is too small. It must be increased.

1. In the dashboard of SCM Drive, display the characteristics of your team.
2. In the "Parameters" area, click the "Pen" icon found beside the "Storage used" option.
3. In the window that is displayed, modify the SCM storage size.
4. The price is automatically updated according to the modification performed.
5. Validate.
6. The payment page indicates the amount to be paid immediately (according to your payment options).
7. Pay the subscription via bank card.

Note: To find out the storage size currently used by your SCM Drive database:
1. Open a project found in SCM Drive in WINDEV, WEBDEV or WINDEV Mobile.
2. See the "SCM" widget of project dashboard ("SCM" widget).
How to unsubscribe a developer?
Case 1: You are the owner of a team and you want to unsubscribe a developer:
1. In the dashboard of SCM Drive, display the characteristics of your team.
2. Click the red cross on the right of the developer email.
3. Delete the developer invitation.
4. The developer is deleted from the team.

Case 2: You are a developer and you want to unsubscribe from a team:
1. In the dashboard of SCM Drive, display the characteristics of your team.
2. Click the red cross on the right of your email.
3. Delete the invitation.
4. You are deleted from the team. If you belong to no team, the window for team creation is displayed.

Note: If check-outs performed by the developer are still found in the SCM after his unsubscription, the SCM adminstrator (which means the owner of the team) can cancel the check-outs.
How to delete a team?
1. In the dashboard of SCM Drive, click the red bin on the right of the team to delete.
2. Confirm the team deletion.

Caution: When deleting a team:
* the associated SCM database is entirely deleted. Don't forget to retrieve the sources before deleting the team.
* the invitations are deleted.
* no other developer can connect to the SCM database.
How to cancel the subscription to SCM Drive for a team?
1. In the dashboard of SCM Drive, display the characteristics of your team.
2. Click the red button on the right of deadline ("Parameters" area of the team).
3. Stop the subscription.
4. At deadline:
* the team will be deleted,
* the associated SCM database will be deleted from Cloud. Don't forget to retrieve the sources before deadline.
* the invitations will be deleted.
* no other developer will be able to connect to the SCM database.

Note: If the subscription deadline is not reached yet, you have the ability to re-enable a subscription. See "How to subscrive to SCM Drive again?" for more details.
How to subscribe to SCM Drive again?
Example: The subscription to SCM Drive was stopped for a team. Before the subscription deadline, you want to subscribe again.

1. In the dashboard of SCM Drive, display the characteristics of your team.
2. In the team parameters, the deadline corresponds to "Subscription interrupted".
3. Click the green button on the right of deadline.
4. Re-enable the subscription. The modification is immediately validated.
How to add a project into SCM Drive?
Example: I created an SCM Drive account and a team. I now want to add a WINDEV, WEBDEV or WINDEV Mobile project into my SCM Drive account.

1. Open your project in the relevant product.
2. In the "SCM" tab of ribbon, in the "Project" group, click "Add the project".
3. In the wizard that is displayed, select "SCM Drive" and enter the information for identifying to your SCM Drive (email, password, ...).
Note: You can check the validity of information via the "Test" button.
4. Validate the next wizard steps until the project is added in the SCM database.
Note: Depending on the project size, this addtion can be quite long.
5. The project is ready to be used via SCM Drive.
How to manage and grant certain access rights to the developers for each element in the SCM ?
SCM Drive does not currently include rights management for team developers.
If you need to manage and grant access rights, a PCSCloud Development platform is required:
How to open a project via SCM Drive for the first time?
Example: I am a developer belonging to an SCM Drive team and I want to open a project for the first time.

1. Start the requested product: WINDEV, WEBDEV or WINDEV Mobile.
2. Identify yourself with your login.
3. In the home window, click "Open a project" then "SCM Drive".
4. Specify your identifiers for connecting to SCM Drive and choose your team.
5. In the window for project opening, select the project found in SCM Drive and specify the local directory of project.
6. Validate. The project is opened in the current product.

Note: For the next project openings, all you have to do is select the project name in the home window of product.
How to migrate the format of the SCM repository?
 "Migrate repository to the most recent format" is not an option on SCM Drive.
If you need to change the reposirory version, a PCSCloud Development platform is required:
How to perform a full backup of your SCM Drive database?
Note: This operation can only be performed by the owner of the team who is the administrator of SCM Drive database.

1. Start the requested product: WINDEV, WEBDEV or WINDEV Mobile.
2. Start the SCM administrator: on the "SCM" pane, in the "SCM database" group, expand "Manage" and select "Administrator of Source Code Manager".
3. In the SCM administrator, on the "Management" pane, in the "Backups" group, click "Full backup".
4. In the window that is displayed, select the path of zip file that will contain the backup and click the "Create the backup" button.
5. Once the backup is performed, the file explorer is opened on the directory containing the backup.
6. Close the backup window.

* 10 full backups are allowed per month.
* The full restore of database is not allowed via SCM Drive. You only have the ability to restore histories.
* The full backups can be used to restore an SCM database further to the stop of subscription to SCM Drive.
I stopped my subscription to SCM Drive. How to retrieve my SCM database?
1. Before the subscription deadline to SCM Drive, perform a full backup of SCM Drive database (see "How to perform a full backup of SCM Drive database?").
2. Create a new SCM database in Client/Server mode (via the SCM administrator, "New database" option in the "Home" pane for example).
3. In the SCM administrator, on the "Management" pane, in the "Backups" group, click "Full restore".
4. In the window that is displayed, select the archive file corresponding to the full backup.
5. Click the "Restore the backup" button.
6. Once the restore is performed, close the restore window.
SCM Drive